Thursday 21 August 2008

Olympics - Scripture Union vs TSCF

Not wanting to miss out on the fun of the Olympics, our office were challenged by SU (who we share a building with) to an epic battle! The events included:
straw javelin - where Liz was our absolute star player thrashing the rest of the field.

sock hockey - the key was knowing the rugby ball behaviour of the rolled up socks.

egg and spoon relay race down and up the stairs - where despite dropping the (hard boiled) egg twice we still managed to finish 1st.

rubber band archery - Ouch! Some of us weren't very well practised at this.
balloon volleyball - It was quite difficult smashing a balloon to the ground as it definitely wanted to float!
Frisbee discus - SU were victorious at this highly skilled event.

table top soccer - which involved blowing a ping pong ball off the other side of the board room table. Fortunately no-one fainted from lack of oxygen.

It was such fun! We even had an independent referee. After a hard slog, TSCF were victorious by just 2 points and we were very pleased to receive our medals and trophy!


Anonymous said...

I thought you were working out there!!! I'd like a job like that please xxx

jrsmk1 said...

If you put SU and TSCF in the OLYMPICS you get "Sitcoms Cups Fly" - not a lot of people know that!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like great fun! I want to do it!xx